Step 4: Quick look at Model Driven Telemetry on IOS-XR

15 minutes read

Have a look at the set of Telemetry learning labs on DevNet for more details on Telemetry, available workflows, configurations and usage of tools:

Setting up a Telemetry Client/Collector

Let’s consider the options available to set up a Telemetry client/collector that can receive Streaming data from the router.

Open-Source tool: Pipeline

Pipeline is a flexible, multi-function collection service that is written in Go. It can ingest telemetry data from any XR release starting from 6.0.1. Pipeline’s input stages support raw UDP and TCP, as well as gRPC dial-in and dial-out capability. For encoding, Pipeline can consume JSON, compact GPB and self-describing GPB. On the output side, Pipeline can write the telemetry data to a text file as a JSON object, push the data to a Kafka bus and/or format it for consumption by open source stacks. Pipeline can easily be extended to include other output stages and we encourage contributions from anyone who wants to get involved.


It’s important to understand that Pipeline is not a complete big data analytics stack. Think of it as the first layer in a scalable, modular, analytics architecture. Depending on your use case, that architecture would also include separate components for big data storage, stream processing, analysis, alerting and visualization.

Supported Capabilities

Pipeline is the most comprehensive tool available for IOS-XR telemetry data consumption. It is Golang–based code which consumes IOS XR telemetry streams directly from routers or indirectly from a pub/sub bus (Kafka). Once collected, Pipeline performs transformations of the data and forwards the result to the configured consumer.

Pipeline supports different input transport formats from routers (please be aware that multiple input modules of any type can run in parallel):

  • TCP
  • gRPC
  • UDP
  • Apache Kafka

Pipeline can support different encodings as well:

  • (compact) GPB
  • KV-GPB
  • JSON

Pipeline can stream data to several different consumers. Supported downstream consumers include:

  • InfluxDB (TSDB)
  • Prometheus (TSDB)
  • Apache Kafka
  • dump-to-file (mostly for diagnostics purposes)

Connect to your Pod first! Make sure your Anyconnect VPN connection to the Pod assigned to you is active.

If you haven’t connected yet, check out the instructions to do so here:

Once you’re connected, use the following instructions to connect to the individual nodes. The instructions in the workshop will simply refer to the Name of the box to connect without repeating the connection details and credentials. So refer back to this list when you need it.

The 3 nodes in the topology are:

Development Linux System (DevBox)

 IP Address:
 Username/Password: [admin/admin]
 SSH Port: 2211

IOS-XRv9000 R1: (Router r1)

IP Address:  
Username/Password: [admin/admin]   
Management IP:  
XR SSH Port: 2221    
NETCONF Port: 8321   
gRPC Port: 57021  
XR-Bash SSH Port: 2222    

IOS-XRv9000 R2: (Router r2)

IP Address:   
Username/Password: [admin/admin]   
Management IP:   
XR SSH Port: 2231    
NETCONF Port: 8331   
gRPC Port: 57031    
XR-Bash SSH Port: 2232

The Topology in use is shown below: topology_devnet.png

Testing Telemetry Yang Paths on-box

In this section, we intend to enable IPv6 on b2b interfaces on the two routers (r1 and r2) and stream IPv6 neighbor information to an onbox utility to verify the data.

We will construct a dial-in Telemetry collector/client wherein the client initiates a connection to the router and then subscribes to a pre-configured subscription on the router.

Set up IPv6 Neighbors

To start off, let’s enable IPv6 and configure IPv6 addresses on the b2b interfaces of r1 and r2.

Configure IPv6 on router r1

Connect to router r1:

Username: admin
Password: admin
SSH port: 2221

Laptop-terminal:$ ssh -p 2221 admin@

  Router 1 (Cisco IOS XR Sandbox)



Apply the following configuration on router r1:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:r1#conf t
Mon Sep  3 09:00:33.672 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:r1(config)#interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/0/0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:r1(config-if)#ipv6 enable
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:r1(config-if)#ipv6 address 1010:1010::10/64
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:r1(config-if)#no shut
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:r1(config)#interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/0/1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:r1(config-if)#ipv6 enable                      
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:r1(config-if)#ipv6 address 2020:2020::10/64    
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:r1(config-if)#no shut
Mon Sep  3 09:01:59.484 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:r1#show  configuration commit changes last 1
Mon Sep  3 09:02:08.867 UTC
Building configuration...
!! IOS XR Configuration version = 6.4.1
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0
 ipv6 address 1010:1010::10/64
 ipv6 enable
 no shutdown
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/1
 ipv6 address 2020:2020::10/64
 ipv6 enable
 no shutdown


Configure IPv6 on router r2

Similarly, connect to router r2:

Username: admin
Password: admin
SSH port: 2231

Laptop-terminal:$ ssh -p 2231 admin@

  Router 2 (Cisco IOS XR Sandbox)



Apply the following configuration to router r2:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:r2#conf t
Mon Sep  3 09:04:32.472 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:r2(config)#interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/0/0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:r2(config-if)#ipv6 enable
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:r2(config-if)#ipv6 address 1010:1010::20/64
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:r2(config-if)#no shut
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:r2(config)#interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/0/1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:r2(config-if)#ipv6 enable
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:r2(config-if)#ipv6 address 2020:2020::20/64
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:r2(config-if)#no shut
Mon Sep  3 09:05:37.371 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:r2#show  configuration commit changes last 1
Mon Sep  3 09:05:51.846 UTC
Building configuration...
!! IOS XR Configuration version = 6.4.1
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0
 ipv6 address 1010:1010::20/64
 ipv6 enable
 no shutdown
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/1
 ipv6 address 2020:2020::20/64
 ipv6 enable
 no shutdown


Bring up IPv6 neighbors

IPv6 Neighbor Discovery (ND) works much the same way as ARP. Neighbor discovery messages are not sent out until traffic flow for a particular IPv6 destination needs to traverse the IPv6 enabled interface.
So if we dump the ipv6 neighbor information on the two routers, we don’t notice any reachable neighbors just yet.

Router r1:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:r1#show  ipv6 neighbors
Mon Sep  3 09:13:17.796 UTC
IPv6 Address                             Age  Link-layer Add State Interface            Location
[Mcast adjacency]                           - 0000.0000.0000 REACH Gi0/0/0/0            0/0/CPU0       
[Mcast adjacency]                           - 0000.0000.0000 REACH Gi0/0/0/1            0/0/CPU0       

Router r2:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:r2#show  ipv6 neighbors
Mon Sep  3 09:12:52.780 UTC
IPv6 Address                             Age  Link-layer Add State Interface            Location
[Mcast adjacency]                           - 0000.0000.0000 REACH Gi0/0/0/0            0/0/CPU0       
[Mcast adjacency]                           - 0000.0000.0000 REACH Gi0/0/0/1            0/0/CPU0       

Ping the reachable Neighbors

We’ll use pings (icmpv6) as the trigger to generate IPv6 ND messages and establish neighbors dynamically:

On router r1:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:r1#ping 1010:1010::20
Mon Sep  3 09:25:45.079 UTC
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to 1010:1010::20, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 95/125/231 ms
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:r1#ping 2020:2020::20
Mon Sep  3 09:25:53.627 UTC
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to 2020:2020::20, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 97/125/214 ms

Verify neighbors are up

The IPv6 neighbors should now be up!

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:r1#show  ipv6 neighbors
Mon Sep  3 09:26:07.306 UTC
IPv6 Address                             Age  Link-layer Add State Interface            Location
1010:1010::20                            21   5254.0093.8ab0 REACH Gi0/0/0/0            0/0/CPU0       
fe80::5054:ff:fe93:8ab0                  11   5254.0093.8ab0 REACH Gi0/0/0/0            0/0/CPU0       
[Mcast adjacency]                           - 0000.0000.0000 REACH Gi0/0/0/0            0/0/CPU0       
2020:2020::20                            13   5254.0093.8ab1 REACH Gi0/0/0/1            0/0/CPU0       
fe80::5054:ff:fe93:8ab1                  2    5254.0093.8ab1 REACH Gi0/0/0/1            0/0/CPU0       
[Mcast adjacency]                           - 0000.0000.0000 REACH Gi0/0/0/1            0/0/CPU0       

Configure Telemetry to Stream IPv6 neighbor information

The IPv6 neighbors displayed using show ipv6 neighbors can be streamed using the IPv6-ND oper YANG model in IOS-XR.

The Yang models for IOS-XR per release can be found on Github here:
In this lab we're working with IOS-XR release `6.4.1`:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:r1#show  version
Mon Sep  3 09:46:31.320 UTC

Cisco IOS XR Software, Version 6.4.1
Copyright (c) 2013-2017 by Cisco Systems, Inc.

Build Information:
 Built By     : nkhai
 Built On     : Wed Mar 28 19:20:20 PDT 2018
 Build Host   : iox-lnx-090
 Workspace    : /auto/srcarchive14/prod/6.4.1/xrv9k/ws
 Version      : 6.4.1
 Location     : /opt/cisco/XR/packages/

cisco IOS-XRv 9000 () processor
System uptime is 2 hours, 28 minutes

The required Yang models for this release are thus available here:

Figure out the Yang Model/Path to use

The Yang model we’re interested in is Cisco-IOS-XR-ipv6-nd-oper.yang, located here:

The easiest way to understand the information available within the Yang model is to display the YANG model in a tree format using a tool called pyang.

For this purpose, connect to the devbox:

Username: admin
Password: admin
SSH port: 2211

Laptop-terminal:$ ssh -p 2211 admin@
admin@'s password:
Last login: Mon Sep  3 01:28:30 2018 from

Clone the Yang git repo:

admin@devbox:~$ git clone
Cloning into 'yang'...
remote: Counting objects: 21847, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (218/218), done.
remote: Total 21847 (delta 512), reused 709 (delta 505), pack-reused 21124
Receiving objects: 100% (21847/21847), 42.52 MiB | 13.17 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (16807/16807), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
Checking out files: 100% (20153/20153), done.
admin@devbox:~$ cd yang/vendor/cisco/xr/641/
admin@devbox:641$ pwd

Dump the Cisco-IOS-XR-ipv6-nd-oper.yang model in a tree format:

admin@devbox:641$ pyang -f tree Cisco-IOS-XR-ipv6-nd-oper.yang
module: Cisco-IOS-XR-ipv6-nd-oper
   +--ro ipv6-node-discovery
      +--ro nodes
         +--ro node* [node-name]
            +--ro neighbor-interfaces
            |  +--ro neighbor-interface* [interface-name]
            |     +--ro host-addresses
            |     |  +--ro host-address* [host-address]
            |     |     +--ro host-address              inet:ipv6-address-no-zone
            |     |     +--ro last-reached-time
            |     |     |  +--ro seconds?   uint32
            |     |     +--ro reachability-state?       Ipv6-nd-sh-state
            |     |     +--ro link-layer-address?       yang:mac-address
            |     |     +--ro encapsulation?            Ipv6-nd-media-encap
            |     |     +--ro selected-encapsulation?   Ipv6-nd-media-encap
            |     |     +--ro origin-encapsulation?     Ipv6-nd-neighbor-origin
            |     |     +--ro interface-name?           string
            |     |     +--ro location?                 xr:Node-id
            |     |     +--ro is-router?                boolean
            |     |     +--ro serg-flags?               uint32
            |     |     +--ro vrfid?                    uint32
            |     +--ro interface-name    xr:Interface-name
            +--ro neighbor-summary
            |  +--ro multicast
            |  |  +--ro incomplete-entries?          uint32
            |  |  +--ro reachable-entries?           uint32
            |  |  +--ro stale-entries?               uint32
            |  |  +--ro delayed-entries?             uint32
            |  |  +--ro probe-entries?               uint32
            |  |  +--ro deleted-entries?             uint32
            |  |  +--ro subtotal-neighbor-entries?   uint32
            |  +--ro static
            |  |  +--ro incomplete-entries?          uint32
            |  |  +--ro reachable-entries?           uint32
            |  |  +--ro stale-entries?               uint32
            |  |  +--ro delayed-entries?             uint32
            |  |  +--ro probe-entries?               uint32
            |  |  +--ro deleted-entries?             uint32
            |  |  +--ro subtotal-neighbor-entries?   uint32
            |  +--ro dynamic
            |  |  +--ro incomplete-entries?          uint32
            |  |  +--ro reachable-entries?           uint32
            |  |  +--ro stale-entries?               uint32
            |  |  +--ro delayed-entries?             uint32
            |  |  +--ro probe-entries?               uint32
            |  |  +--ro deleted-entries?             uint32
            |  |  +--ro subtotal-neighbor-entries?   uint32
            |  +--ro total-neighbor-entries?   uint32
            +--ro bundle-nodes
            |  +--ro bundle-node* [node-name]
            |     +--ro node-name                   xr:Node-id
            |     +--ro age
            |     |  +--ro seconds?   uint32
            |     +--ro group-id?                   uint32
            |     +--ro process-name?               string
            |     +--ro sent-sequence-number?       uint32
            |     +--ro received-sequence-number?   uint32
            |     +--ro state?                      Ipv6-nd-bndl-state
            |     +--ro state-changes?              uint32
            |     +--ro sent-packets?               uint32
            |     +--ro received-packets?           uint32
            +--ro bundle-interfaces
            |  +--ro bundle-interface* [interface-name]
            |     +--ro interface-name           xr:Interface-name
            |     +--ro nd-parameters
            |     |  +--ro is-dad-enabled?               boolean
            |     |  +--ro dad-attempts?                 uint32
            |     |  +--ro is-icm-pv6-redirect?          boolean
            |     |  +--ro is-dhcp-managed?              boolean
            |     |  +--ro is-route-address-managed?     boolean
            |     |  +--ro is-suppressed?                boolean
            |     |  +--ro send-unicast-ra?              boolean
            |     |  +--ro nd-retransmit-interval?       uint32
            |     |  +--ro nd-min-transmit-interval?     uint32
            |     |  +--ro nd-max-transmit-interval?     uint32
            |     |  +--ro nd-advertisement-lifetime?    uint32
            |     |  +--ro nd-reachable-time?            uint32
            |     |  +--ro nd-cache-limit?               uint32
            |     |  +--ro complete-protocol-count?      uint32
            |     |  +--ro complete-glean-count?         uint32
            |     |  +--ro incomplete-protocol-count?    uint32
            |     |  +--ro incomplete-glean-count?       uint32
            |     |  +--ro dropped-protocol-req-count?   uint32
            |     |  +--ro dropped-glean-req-count?      uint32
            |     +--ro local-address
            |     |  +--ro ipv6-address?     inet:ipv6-address
            |     |  +--ro valid-lifetime?   uint32
            |     |  +--ro pref-lifetime?    uint32
            |     +--ro parent-interface-name?   xr:Interface-name
            |     +--ro iftype?                  uint32
            |     +--ro mtu?                     uint32
            |     +--ro etype?                   uint32
            |     +--ro vlan-tag?                uint16
            |     +--ro mac-addr-size?           uint32
            |     +--ro mac-addr?                yang:mac-address
            |     +--ro is-interface-enabled?    boolean
            |     +--ro is-ipv6-enabled?         boolean
            |     +--ro is-mpls-enabled?         boolean
            |     +--ro member-link*             uint32
            |     +--ro global-address*
            |     |  +--ro ipv6-address?     inet:ipv6-address
            |     |  +--ro valid-lifetime?   uint32
            |     |  +--ro pref-lifetime?    uint32
            |     +--ro member-node*
            |        +--ro node-name?     xr:Node-id
            |        +--ro total-links?   uint32
            +--ro interfaces
            |  +--ro interface* [interface-name]
            |     +--ro interface-name                xr:Interface-name
            |     +--ro is-dad-enabled?               boolean
            |     +--ro dad-attempts?                 uint32
            |     +--ro is-icm-pv6-redirect?          boolean
            |     +--ro is-dhcp-managed?              boolean
            |     +--ro is-route-address-managed?     boolean
            |     +--ro is-suppressed?                boolean
            |     +--ro send-unicast-ra?              boolean
            |     +--ro nd-retransmit-interval?       uint32
            |     +--ro nd-min-transmit-interval?     uint32
            |     +--ro nd-max-transmit-interval?     uint32
            |     +--ro nd-advertisement-lifetime?    uint32
            |     +--ro nd-reachable-time?            uint32
            |     +--ro nd-cache-limit?               uint32
            |     +--ro complete-protocol-count?      uint32
            |     +--ro complete-glean-count?         uint32
            |     +--ro incomplete-protocol-count?    uint32
            |     +--ro incomplete-glean-count?       uint32
            |     +--ro dropped-protocol-req-count?   uint32
            |     +--ro dropped-glean-req-count?      uint32
            +--ro nd-virtual-routers
            |  +--ro nd-virtual-router* [interface-name]
            |     +--ro interface-name        xr:Interface-name
            |     +--ro local-address
            |     |  +--ro ipv6-address?     inet:ipv6-address
            |     |  +--ro valid-lifetime?   uint32
            |     |  +--ro pref-lifetime?    uint32
            |     +--ro link-layer-address?   yang:mac-address
            |     +--ro context?              uint32
            |     +--ro state?                Ipv6-nd-sh-vr-state
            |     +--ro flags?                Ipv6-nd-sh-vr-flags
            |     +--ro vr-gl-addr-ct?        uint32
            |     +--ro vr-global-address*
            |        +--ro ipv6-address?     inet:ipv6-address
            |        +--ro valid-lifetime?   uint32
            |        +--ro pref-lifetime?    uint32
            +--ro slaac-interfaces
            |  +--ro slaac-interface* [interface-name]
            |     +--ro router-advert-detail
            |     |  +--ro idb?   xr:Interface-name
            |     |  +--ro ra*
            |     |     +--ro elapsed-ra-time
            |     |     |  +--ro seconds?   uint32
            |     |     +--ro reachable-time
            |     |     |  +--ro seconds?   uint32
            |     |     +--ro retrans-time
            |     |     |  +--ro seconds?   uint32
            |     |     +--ro address?           inet:ipv6-address
            |     |     +--ro hops?              uint32
            |     |     +--ro flags?             uint32
            |     |     +--ro life-time?         uint32
            |     |     +--ro mtu?               uint32
            |     |     +--ro err-msg?           boolean
            |     |     +--ro vrf-id?            uint32
            |     |     +--ro u6-tbl-id?         uint32
            |     |     +--ro rib-protoid?       uint16
            |     |     +--ro default-router?    boolean
            |     |     +--ro reachability?      uint32
            |     |     +--ro prefix-q*
            |     |        +--ro prefix-address?        inet:ipv6-address
            |     |        +--ro eui64?                 inet:ipv6-address
            |     |        +--ro valid-life-time?       uint32
            |     |        +--ro preferred-life-time?   uint32
            |     |        +--ro prefix-len?            uint32
            |     |        +--ro flags?                 uint32
            |     |        +--ro pfx-flags?             uint32
            |     +--ro interface-name          xr:Interface-name
            +--ro node-name              xr:Node-id

From the above dump, it becomes fairly clear that we intend to extract the following set of nodes from the model to match the information in the show ipv6 neighbors output:

module: Cisco-IOS-XR-ipv6-nd-oper
   +--ro ipv6-node-discovery
      +--ro nodes
         +--ro node* [node-name]
            +--ro neighbor-interfaces
            |  +--ro neighbor-interface* [interface-name]
            |     +--ro host-addresses
            |     |  +--ro host-address* [host-address]
            |     |     +--ro host-address              inet:ipv6-address-no-zone
            |     |     +--ro last-reached-time
            |     |     |  +--ro seconds?   uint32
            |     |     +--ro reachability-state?       Ipv6-nd-sh-state
            |     |     +--ro link-layer-address?       yang:mac-address
            |     |     +--ro encapsulation?            Ipv6-nd-media-encap
            |     |     +--ro selected-encapsulation?   Ipv6-nd-media-encap
            |     |     +--ro origin-encapsulation?     Ipv6-nd-neighbor-origin
            |     |     +--ro interface-name?           string
            |     |     +--ro location?                 xr:Node-id
            |     |     +--ro is-router?                boolean
            |     |     +--ro serg-flags?               uint32
            |     |     +--ro vrfid?                    uint32

Setting up the Telemetry configuration

The container path that we need to set up as part of the Telemetry configuration is highlighted above. On the router, this becomes the following sensor-path:

telemetry model-driven
 sensor-group IPV6Neighbor
  sensor-path Cisco-IOS-XR-ipv6-nd-oper:ipv6-node-discovery/nodes/node/neighbor-interfaces/neighbor-interface/host-addresses/host-address

Creating a subscription out of this path to stream the data every 15 seconds, we get the following additional configuration:

telemetry model-driven
 sensor-group IPV6Neighbor
  sensor-path Cisco-IOS-XR-ipv6-nd-oper:ipv6-node-discovery/nodes/node/neighbor-interfaces/neighbor-interface/host-addresses/host-address
 subscription IPV6
  sensor-group-id IPV6Neighbor sample-interval 15000

If we wait a few seconds, we will notice that this sensor-path gets Resolved indicating that the router is now ready to send Telemetry data to an external collector.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:r1#show  telemetry model-driven subscription IPV6 internal
Mon Sep  3 10:50:20.451 UTC
Subscription:  IPV6
  State:       NA
  Sensor groups:
  Id: IPV6Neighbor
    Sample Interval:      15000 ms
    Sensor Path:          Cisco-IOS-XR-ipv6-nd-oper:ipv6-node-discovery/nodes/node/neighbor-interfaces/neighbor-interface/host-addresses/host-address
    Sensor Path State:    Resolved

  Collection Groups:
  No active collection groups


Testing the Sensor path

Before we proceed, let’s actually test the sensor path to make sure we’re getting the relevant data. Starting with release 6.3.1, this can be done on the router itself by using the following CLI command:

run mdt_exec -s <your_sensor_path> -c <cadence>

Trying this out on router r1 for the sensor_path=Cisco-IOS-XR-ipv6-nd-oper:ipv6-node-discovery/nodes/node/neighbor-interfaces/neighbor-interface/host-addresses/host-address and cadence=2000 (2 seconds), we get:

Just press `Enter` to terminate.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:r1#run mdt_exec -s Cisco-IOS-XR-ipv6-nd-oper:ipv6-node-discovery/nodes/node/neighbor-interfaces/neighbor-interface/host-addresses/host-address -c 2000
Mon Sep  3 17:54:56.475 UTC
Enter any key to exit...
 Sub_id 200000001, flag 0, len 0
 Sub_id 200000001, flag 4, len 3072
 Sub_id 200000001, flag 4, len 3068


Let’s just structure the data above a little better to see what we’re receiving. Drop into router r1’s python shell and use the json module to “pretty” print it.

Mon Sep  3 17:58:00.770 UTC
[r1:~]$ python
Python 2.7.3 (default, Dec 12 2017, 08:22:03)
[GCC 4.9.1] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import json
>>> data="""{"node_id_str":"r1","subscription_id_str":"app_TEST_200000001","encoding_path":"Cisco-IOS-XR-ipv6-nd-oper:ipv6-node-discovery/nodes/node/neighbor-interfaces/neighbor-interface/host-addresses/host-address","collection_id":6,"collection_start_time":1535997300686,"msg_timestamp":1535997300703,"data_json":[{"timestamp":1535997300701,"keys":{"node-name":"0/0/CPU0","interface-name":"GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0","host-address":"1010:1010::20"},"content":{"last-reached-time":{"seconds":42},"reachability-state":"reachable","link-layer-address":"5254.0093.8ab0","encapsulation":"arpa","selected-encapsulation":"arpa","origin-encapsulation":"dynamic","interface-name":"Gi0/0/0/0","location":"0/0/CPU0","is-router":true,"serg-flags":255,"vrfid":1610612736}},{"timestamp":1535997300701,"keys":{"node-name":"0/0/CPU0","interface-name":"GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0","host-address":"fe80::5054:ff:fe93:8ab0"},"content":{"last-reached-time":{"seconds":183},"reachability-state":"delay","link-layer-address":"5254.0093.8ab0","encapsulation":"arpa","selected-encapsulation":"arpa","origin-encapsulation":"dynamic","interface-name":"Gi0/0/0/0","location":"0/0/CPU0","is-router":true,"serg-flags":255,"vrfid":1610612736}},{"timestamp":1535997300701,"keys":{"node-name":"0/0/CPU0","interface-name":"GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0","host-address":"ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff"},"content":{"last-reached-time":{"seconds":0},"reachability-state":"reachable","link-layer-address":"0000.0000.0000","encapsulation":"arpa","selected-encapsulation":"arpa","origin-encapsulation":"static","interface-name":"Gi0/0/0/0","location":"0/0/CPU0","is-router":false,"serg-flags":255,"vrfid":1610612736}},{"timestamp":1535997300707,"keys":{"node-name":"0/0/CPU0","interface-name":"GigabitEthernet0/0/0/1","host-address":"2020:2020::20"},"content":{"last-reached-time":{"seconds":174},"reachability-state":"reachable","link-layer-address":"5254.0093.8ab1","encapsulation":"arpa","selected-encapsulation":"arpa","origin-encapsulation":"dynamic","interface-name":"Gi0/0/0/1","location":"0/0/CPU0","is-router":true,"serg-flags":255,"vrfid":1610612736}},{"timestamp":1535997300707,"keys":{"node-name":"0/0/CPU0","interface-name":"GigabitEthernet0/0/0/1","host-address":"fe80::5054:ff:fe93:8ab1"},"content":{"last-reached-time":{"seconds":169},"reachability-state":"reachable","link-layer-address":"5254.0093.8ab1","encapsulation":"arpa","selected-encapsulation":"arpa","origin-encapsulation":"dynamic","interface-name":"Gi0/0/0/1","location":"0/0/CPU0","is-router":true,"serg-flags":255,"vrfid":1610612736}},{"timestamp":1535997300707,"keys":{"node-name":"0/0/CPU0","interface-name":"GigabitEthernet0/0/0/1","host-address":"ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff"},"content":{"last-reached-time":{"seconds":0},"reachability-state":"reachable","link-layer-address":"0000.0000.0000","encapsulation":"arpa","selected-encapsulation":"arpa","origin-encapsulation":"static","interface-name":"Gi0/0/0/1","location":"0/0/CPU0","is-router":false,"serg-flags":255,"vrfid":1610612736}}],"collection_end_time":1535997300709}"""
>>> print json.dumps(json.loads(data), indent=4)
   "encoding_path": "Cisco-IOS-XR-ipv6-nd-oper:ipv6-node-discovery/nodes/node/neighbor-interfaces/neighbor-interface/host-addresses/host-address",
   "subscription_id_str": "app_TEST_200000001",
   "collection_start_time": 1535997300686,
   "msg_timestamp": 1535997300703,
   "collection_end_time": 1535997300709,
   "node_id_str": "r1",
   "data_json": [
           "keys": {
               "node-name": "0/0/CPU0",
               "interface-name": "GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0",
               "host-address": "1010:1010::20"
           "timestamp": 1535997300701,
           "content": {
               "vrfid": 1610612736,
               "interface-name": "Gi0/0/0/0",
               "last-reached-time": {
                   "seconds": 42
               "link-layer-address": "5254.0093.8ab0",
               "selected-encapsulation": "arpa",
               "is-router": true,
               "serg-flags": 255,
               "reachability-state": "reachable",
               "location": "0/0/CPU0",
               "encapsulation": "arpa",
               "origin-encapsulation": "dynamic"
           "keys": {
               "node-name": "0/0/CPU0",
               "interface-name": "GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0",
               "host-address": "fe80::5054:ff:fe93:8ab0"
           "timestamp": 1535997300701,
           "content": {
               "vrfid": 1610612736,
               "interface-name": "Gi0/0/0/0",
               "last-reached-time": {
                   "seconds": 183
               "link-layer-address": "5254.0093.8ab0",
               "selected-encapsulation": "arpa",
               "is-router": true,
               "serg-flags": 255,
               "reachability-state": "delay",
               "location": "0/0/CPU0",
               "encapsulation": "arpa",
               "origin-encapsulation": "dynamic"
           "keys": {
               "node-name": "0/0/CPU0",
               "interface-name": "GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0",
               "host-address": "ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff"
           "timestamp": 1535997300701,
           "content": {
               "vrfid": 1610612736,
               "interface-name": "Gi0/0/0/0",
               "last-reached-time": {
                   "seconds": 0
               "link-layer-address": "0000.0000.0000",
               "selected-encapsulation": "arpa",
               "is-router": false,
               "serg-flags": 255,
               "reachability-state": "reachable",
               "location": "0/0/CPU0",
               "encapsulation": "arpa",
               "origin-encapsulation": "static"
           "keys": {
               "node-name": "0/0/CPU0",
               "interface-name": "GigabitEthernet0/0/0/1",
               "host-address": "2020:2020::20"
           "timestamp": 1535997300707,
           "content": {
               "vrfid": 1610612736,
               "interface-name": "Gi0/0/0/1",
               "last-reached-time": {
                   "seconds": 174
               "link-layer-address": "5254.0093.8ab1",
               "selected-encapsulation": "arpa",
               "is-router": true,
               "serg-flags": 255,
               "reachability-state": "reachable",
               "location": "0/0/CPU0",
               "encapsulation": "arpa",
               "origin-encapsulation": "dynamic"
           "keys": {
               "node-name": "0/0/CPU0",
               "interface-name": "GigabitEthernet0/0/0/1",
               "host-address": "fe80::5054:ff:fe93:8ab1"
           "timestamp": 1535997300707,
           "content": {
               "vrfid": 1610612736,
               "interface-name": "Gi0/0/0/1",
               "last-reached-time": {
                   "seconds": 169
               "link-layer-address": "5254.0093.8ab1",
               "selected-encapsulation": "arpa",
               "is-router": true,
               "serg-flags": 255,
               "reachability-state": "reachable",
               "location": "0/0/CPU0",
               "encapsulation": "arpa",
               "origin-encapsulation": "dynamic"
           "keys": {
               "node-name": "0/0/CPU0",
               "interface-name": "GigabitEthernet0/0/0/1",
               "host-address": "ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff"
           "timestamp": 1535997300707,
           "content": {
               "vrfid": 1610612736,
               "interface-name": "Gi0/0/0/1",
               "last-reached-time": {
                   "seconds": 0
               "link-layer-address": "0000.0000.0000",
               "selected-encapsulation": "arpa",
               "is-router": false,
               "serg-flags": 255,
               "reachability-state": "reachable",
               "location": "0/0/CPU0",
               "encapsulation": "arpa",
               "origin-encapsulation": "static"
   "collection_id": 6
>>> exit()
[r1:~]$ exit


Perfect! We're receiving all the fields we need as per the original show command. You're now ready to start building your own Telemetry collector.

Building your own clients

We learnt in the earlier sections that IOS-XR supports streaming Telemetry data over raw TCP (dial-out) and gRPC (dial-in and dial-out). The structure of the streamable data is derived from Oper YANG models.

Now, these Oper Yang-models can also be mapped to equivalent protobuf models, represented in .proto files. This is especially useful when we need to write a Telemetry client code from scratch. By exposing these protobuf-based capabilities over a gRPC connection, it enables a user to utilize gRPC’s intrinsic architecture to generate bindings(code/libraries) in a language of choice (python, c++, golang etc.).

To view the .proto files corresponding to the Oper Yang models in XR, clone the following git repo on the devbox and peek into the proto_archive/ directory:

This represents all the available Oper Yang models arranged as folders containing the .proto files. We can generate bindings in the language of choice (python, c++, golang etc.) using these .proto files and leverage the bindings to subscribe to the router’s Telemetry stream as well as decode the data received. We will delve into these scenarios and write our own Telemetry client/collector in subsequent labs in this module.

Clean up!

Finally, clean up the telemetry configuration from router r1 as we progress to the next stage of the lab:

Remove existing telemetry configurations from r1:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:r1#conf t
Tue Sep  4 08:01:03.269 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:r1(config)#no telemetry model-driven
Tue Sep  4 08:01:06.422 UTC

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